
Your questions answered!

Use the search form on the main page of our website: indicate the point of departure and arrival, the desired departure date and click the “Find a ticket” button. You will see a list of bus routes for the selected destination, indicating the price and rating of the carriers. Check the schedule and choose the bus route that suits you. If there are no available seats or flights on the selected date, the site will suggest the closest date or alternative departure point.

Typically, carriers open sales for regular flights a month in advance and you can purchase a ticket for the desired route in advance.

We receive information about all changes on the bus route from the carrier, and therefore we cannot exclude the possibility of canceling the bus route for reasons beyond our control. As soon as the carrier notifies us, we will immediately contact you and warn you about any changes on the bus route. You can always find out additional information about the flight and bus number by contacting the carrier’s contact number indicated on your ticket.

Average travel time, information about stops and expected time of arrival at the final destination of the route are displayed on our website in the bus schedule and are always indicated on tickets. At the same time, there are cases on the road that are difficult to predict: unexpected bus delays due to traffic conditions, crossing state borders or technical problems. We strongly recommend that you allow extra time for your trip and do not plan to change to another flight or mode of transport in less than 2 hours for domestic bus trips and less than 8 hours for international buses.

Information about the bus route, bus brand, available services and amenities provided by the carrier is displayed on our website when purchasing a ticket. After purchasing a ticket, you will see the carrier’s number, which you can use to clarify additional details.

In the schedule and information about the bus route, we indicate the entire route and stopping points that the Carrier provides to us. Please note that only the Carrier regulates the route and stops, and also determines the possibility of disembarkation and landing outside the specified route points. For additional questions about stops or clarification of the route, you can contact the Carrier’s contact number, which is indicated on the ticket.

Our website displays all current bus routes with availability for the selected date and number of passengers. We are constantly working to increase the number of destinations and connect new carriers. The bus service you need may be available soon.

Please note that the carrier has the full right to refuse a bus passenger to carry hand luggage or baggage if this baggage blocks the passage of other passengers in the transport, or does not correspond to the quantity and size. You can always check with the carrier for information about baggage conditions on specific bus routes.

When planning a trip with an animal, we strongly advise you to prepare in advance a veterinary passport with vaccination records, a certificate of the animal’s health, a carrying bag or a cage with a solid bottom, and also ensure the availability of clean drinking water. The carrier has the right to regulate the rules for transporting animals on the buses of its routes, so it is necessary to clarify this information individually.

We recommend arriving at the departure address at least 30 minutes before the bus departure.

All information about the bus flight, including the exact departure address, which is provided to us by the Carrier, is indicated on the website in the bus schedule and is always displayed on the ticket. You can always find out additional landmarks or geolocation clarification by calling the Carrier’s contact number indicated on the ticket.